Why Father Moon Supported President Reagan

Reagan himself said, that they wanted to take down Communism but without Rev. Sun Myung Moon they would not be able to.Do you know why the Korean leader, Sun Myung Moon, was so much blamed and persecuted? He was the one who played a key role in the collapse of the communist regimes. Rev. Moon helped the peaceful end of the Cold War. Moon's...

US VP, J.D. Vance declared Religious Freedom as a core value at the IRF Summit

This February CIG NEWS REPORT shows how the spiritual changes are now expressed with great power in shaking the political fabric of the world. Read to the end to see where the providence is heading, just as the Edgar Cayce Predicted Change of the System in 2025, explained in the January Report. Religious Freedom as a Core ValueUS Vice...

Rev. Sun Myung Moon: The Ideological Victory Over Communism
Rev. Moon's Ideological Victory Over CommunismRev. Sun Myung Moon, the most controversial, yet most successful religious leader of our history. Love him or hate him, Rev. Moon had a major impact on the course of events that the world is still feeling today and is yet to discover. One of them is the ideological Victory over Communism. If Rev. Moon had not established the Washington Times in 1982, many more...

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