The family under aggressive attack: Expose the sexual rights agenda at the UN
The family under aggressive attack:
Expose the sexual rights agenda at the UN. Fundamental values are under increasing attack by UN agencies
Dear Family Advocates:
I invite you to join us in building a worldwide movement to preserve and promote the family, traditional marriage, life, parental rights and religious freedom.
The family and family values are under more aggressive attack than ever, and they are in the cross-hairs of the sexual rights activists who are determined to impose their radical social engineering agenda on the world.
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These fundamental institutions and values that are so critical to any society are under increasing attack by UN agencies and treaties, unelected activist judges, politicians, special interest groups, much of the media and popular entertainment.
Let's Stand for the Family. We are building a network of one million people across the world who have shown that they are willing to stand for the family at the international, national and local levels.
- Fight at the frontlines of the battle to defend family, life, and religious freedom and to expose and stop the sexual rights agenda at the United Nations;
- Expose the deceptive tactics and myths spread about homosexuality and same-sex attraction by activists as part of their campaigns to overturn laws protecting marriage and family life;
- Work to protect marriage between a man and a woman everywhere it is under attack.
The "I Stand for the Family" International Petition
Whereas, the traditional family is increasingly under attack on a variety of fronts at the international, national, state, and local levels, and
The most dangerous religion of today: Humanism | |
Depression in Homosexuals | |
Whereas, weakening the family will have serious negative repercussions on families, individuals and societies, and
Whereas, it will take the best efforts of all of us working together to stem the tide of family disintegration and to preserve the family,
Therefore, I pledge my support to preserve and protect the family in the arenas where I have influence. Specifically I support efforts to:
- Strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society
- Preserve and protect marriage as only between a man and a woman
- Protect life before as well as after birth
- Preserve the rights of all citizens to practice their religion as they choose so long as that does not infringe on the rights of others
- Preserve the rights of parents to direct the moral, spiritual and intellectual upbringing of their children
Same-sex marriage will hurt families and society
The family under aggressive attack: Expose the sexual rights agenda at the UN. Fundamental values are under increasing attack by UN agencies
Tags: Family, Family values, Marriage, Same-sex marriage, Sexual rights agenda, Unification Thought
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